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(Affichage de 37 à 48 sur 50 Actualités)
Il Pincio, il giardino di Roma

Didier REPELLIN, Décembre 2014 : Scheda storica sullo svolgimento dei lavori di scavo (Workshop organisé par l’Académie de France à Rome et l’Ecole Française de Rome : Il Pincio, il giardino di Roma)

The restoration of the Bartholdi Fountain in Lyon

Didier REPELLIN, December 2014: The restoration of the Bartholdi fountain in Lyon (Symposium organized by ICOMOS France - Paris: Metal open air)

The restoration work of the Trinita dei Monti

Didier REPELLIN, October 2014: The restoration work of the Trinita dei Monti: findings, interpretations, discoveries (Symposium organized by the French School of Rome. Research and discoveries in Trinita dei Monti 20 years of projects)

The Chapel of the Hotel-Dieu in Lyon

Didier REPELLIN, « Un patrimoine à remettre en valeur », in La chapelle de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Lyon. Carnet d’une restauration, Lyon, Ed. Lyonnaises d’Art et d’Histoire – Hospices Civils de Lyon, 2014, p. 68-72.

The Cathedral of St John Baptist in Lyon

Didier REPELLIN, "The Cathedral of St. John Baptist de Lyon. The interior restoration of the choir "in Monumental, 2014-2, p.40-41.

Architect meets innovations

Didier REPELLIN, June 2014: The Hôtel-Dieu in Lyon: a palace to heal the soul, mind and body (Conferences organized by Architect @ Work - Lyon: Sensory Architecture)

The Historic Courthouse in Lyon

Didier REPELLIN, « A l’exception répondre par l’exception » et « Restaurer : les savoir-faire d’aujourd’hui à la hauteur de ceux d’hier », in La restauration du Palais de Justice Historique de Lyon, Lyon: EMCC, 2013, p. 50-61 et p. 96-115.

Conferences in Djibouti

- Conferences in Djibouti, Congo Brazzaville, Cameroon, Algeria, Hungary, at the request of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- Conferences in Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Thailand, Peru, Egypt, at the request of UNESCO.
- Conferences in Singapore, at the request of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Singapore.
- Conferences in the United States, at the request of the French Heritage Society and the National Trust.
- Conferences in Belgium at the request of the Walloon Heritage Institute.

Lo Manthang has an exceptional value

Comparative Analysis of Lo Manthang as part of its nomination on World Heritage List, IPRAUS-ENSAPB / CNRS. 'Lo Manthang has an exceptional value', UNESCO interview, website of the UNESCO Office in Kathmandu, 2013

Ubeda y Baeza

Didier REPELLIN, at the request of ICOMOS :
- Ubeda-Baeza (Spain)
- Alcala de Henares (Spain)

French establishments in Rome

Didier REPELLIN, "The French establishments in Rome" (several articles), in Monumental, 2011-2.

The grace of a cathedral

Scientific co-direction of Lyon. The grace of a cathedral, Strasbourg, La nuée bleue, 2011.